Way better than the first

Red Fox - Karina Halle

Sorry. I HAD to use that gif.

I read the first book in this series just a few days ago and had mixed feelings. There were some editing fails, weird turns of phrase, plot holes, and I had no idea how I felt about the MC or the male lead.

You know what’s awesome? Picking up the second book and finding that all the things you complained about have either been removed altogether or toned waaaaay down.

The biggest difference for me was Perry. I hate to say this, but when a story is told in first person perspective I have to get the character to enjoy the book. I don’t necessarily have to like them, but I have to understand them to some degree. I get Perry now. In fact, I even like her.

I think I’ve figured out what first annoyed me the most about her character; her complete and utter lack of self esteem. I understand having self esteem issues. I’m a woman, constantly bombarded by what I’m supposed to look like, how I’m supposed to behave, and so I understand self-doubt. What bothered the shit out of me was to have hers shoved in my face every other page. I get it, Jesus. In this book her issues are still there, but I think they’re more realistically portrayed. They come out in scenes where they’re relevant to what’s happening.

I also get Dex now. Trust me, I still can’t make heads or tails of the guy, but I understand his character and really enjoy reading about such a complex male lead. He and Perry’s interactions are entertaining as all get out. Poor girl. What goes through her mind in response to his mood swings and strange behavior are the same thoughts going through mine, and I can’t imagine having to deal with someone like him in real life.

And the story. Soooo good. I really enjoyed this one. It was less creepy for me than the first but as a whole, it made much more sense and was much more intricate.

Okay, enough chit-chat, on to the next!